
Christian Science Monitor: Recruiting at public high schools

An article in today's Christian Science Monitor talks about the Rift over recruiting at public high schools, with a PTA at Garfield high school in Seattle passing a resolution against recruiting on campus.

High schools are struggling with a similar issue as the No Child Left Behind Act requires that schools receiving federal funding must release the names of its students to recruiters. Some feel that's an invasion of privacy prompted by a war effort that has largely divided the American public. Others say barring recruiters is an infringement of free speech - and a snub to the military, particularly in a time of war.

Personally I think that parents and students should be informed know their rights. There is a site called Leave My Child Alone that, while biased, contains a wealth of Information on the subject. It would be nice for the Hillsboro school district to enact policies that comply with the NCLB act but also protect the privacy of our students and keeps them informed about this matter of (literally) life and death. Actually, it would be interesting to see what the policies of the school district, period. They don't seem to be available on the district web site...


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